The AI-STROKE project: From dry EEG data to a robust prehospital stroke triage method

The AI-STROKE project brings together a multi-disciplinary research team from the Neurology, Biomedical Engineering and Physics; as well as the Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Departments of Amsterdam UMC (University Medical Centers). The project idea came about after the team

recognized the need for a prehospital stroke triage method that routes each stroke patient directly to the right treatment. The project is being led by Jonathan Coutinho, MD PhD, who is a stroke neurologist at Amsterdam UMC and Wouter Potters, PhD, technical physician at Amsterdam UMC.

They are joined in this endeavor by Henk Marquering, PhD, who is also Professor of Translational Artificial Intelligence in Amsterdam UMC. At the core of the project are the two PhD candidates, Maritta van Stigt, MSc and Eva Groenendijk, MSc. Both Maritta and Eva are technical physicians at Amsterdam UMC and drive the project forward in cooperation with ambulance stations and personnel across the Netherlands. The AI-STROKE project also built the foundation of the newly established company TrianecT, which intends to valorise the project technology and bring it to the market. Wouter leads TrianecT with Jonathan and Henk as co-founders. Dr. Frank Zanow (CEO, Neuromotion Ventures) also joins them as a co-founder in TrianecT. The mission statement of TrianecT is to get stroke patients to the right hospital for the right treatment without delays.

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